Welfare Rights Centre and IEU are joining forces to support members trying to access JobSeeker and other social security payments as a result of the COVID19 crisis.
We know that some teachers and support staff have had their or their partner’s working lives disrupted, so we want to make sure you all know that the government has loosened restrictions around who can claim unemployment benefits through Centrelink.
People receiving JobSeeker payment will not be required to look for new work, assets will not be taken into account, and there is a far more generous partner income test. That means that under the temporary rules, your partner’s income will not reduce your JobSeeker payment until their earnings reach $994/fortnight, and your payment will not cut out altogether until your partner earns $3,068.80 per fortnight.
Dealing with Centrelink can be exhausting. There is a lot of paperwork to be submitted, queues and wait times are long, and the reasons for Centrelink decisions are not always clear. If you’re having trouble getting your Centrelink claim accepted, or you’ve have had a claim rejected, please get in touch with Welfare Rights Centre for free legal advice. Welfare Rights Centre’s lawyers are experts in social security law and will offer advice or assistance on any social security matter.
Remember, appealing a Centrelink decision is often straightforward, and appeals are often successful. Call Welfare Rights Centre on 1800 226 028.