Marking a milestone for teacher exchange

Here we are halfway through Term 1 and what a start to the year we’ve had. Thank goodness the hot, humid weather is behind us and there is a little hint of autumn in the air.

Unfortunately, the workload for all continues to keep everyone busy – with more to come as the term advances.

EA negotiations are continuing, and hopefully good news is not too far away. We would really appreciate it if all reps in Catholic systemic schools could return the results of the motion as soon as possible.

The coronavirus is of huge concerns to us all. School closures, travel plans and everyday services are in jeopardy. Remember to look after yourself, your family and your school community. Wash your hands and encourage students to do the same. The virus is on the move and we have no idea where it is headed or how long it will be with us. Jobs will also be in jeopardy and will hit families as they battle to make ends meet. As if the drought, bushfires, storms and floods weren’t enough, now we have the coronavirus to cope with. How much more can some take?

It will be wonderful to catch up with old friends who have been part of the exchange program over the years as well as welcome overseas exchange teachers who undertook an exchange in our schools.

International Women’s Day celebrations were held around the country, with a very special “in conversation” event at the Parramatta office on Friday afternoon (Read more ). Thank you to Assistant Secretary Pam Smith and Trix Wilkins for organising this event celebrating women and their achievements.

We’ll be celebrating an important milestone on Saturday 21 March: a dinner to mark the 90th Anniversary of the NSW Exchange Teachers League, 100 years of DET exchanges and 35 years of IEU exchanges will be held at the Mercure Hotel in Sydney.

It will be wonderful to catch up with old friends who have been part of the exchange program over the years as well as welcome overseas exchange teachers who undertook an exchange in our schools. A big thank you must go to Helen Gregory who is the driving force behind our exchange program.

If you would like to find out more about the program, Helen would be only too pleased to assist. I am sure it will be a great night with plenty of amazing stories.

Stay well, wash your hands and enjoy the rest of the term.

Chris Wilkinson