Union in talks with Adventist schools

Pam Smith
Assistant Secretary

The IEU has been involved in recent negotiations with the Seventh Day Adventist sector to progress enterprise agreements (EAs) for staff in both the North NSW and Greater Sydney Education Conferences.

On 8 October, the IEU received a proposed EA from the North NSW Seventh Day Adventist Education Conference. As the Conference indicated that it intended to proceed with a vote on the EA on 3 November, the Union had little time to meet with members regarding both the proposed EA and a claim.

IEU Officers Therese Fitzgibbon and Robert Seals met with the Conference on 16 October and raised a number of concerns regarding proposed changes to the agreement. These included variations to clauses relating to summary dismissal, evidence of sickness and allowances and also rejection of the proposed salary increases of between 0-1.3% for 2015.

Following a meeting with members, the Union submitted a claim for a 2.5% increase for 2015 and the inclusion of the payment of Long Service Leave on termination after five years.

Removal of various proposed changes to the previous agreement were also sought.

While some changes were made, the Conference proceeded to distribute a final document on 24 October.

However, the Union was successful in delaying the vote due to a technicality, and further information was provided to both members and the employer.

A response was provided by the employer on 12 November which made some minor adjustments to the draft EA.

With regard to the Greater Sydney Conference, the IEU participated in an EA meeting on 22 October and raised a number of issues and concerns in relation to the proposed draft. Further written comments were also provided, including in reference to EA compliance issues and the Union’s claim for a payment for teachers who take prac students.

It is understood that both Conferences intended to put the EAs to a vote prior to the end of Term 4.

The IEU thanks members in Adventist schools for their involvement in the EA process, noting that ongoing member engagement is vital in protecting and enhancing working conditions.