A big day at the AGM

Delegates to the recent Annual General Meeting of Council, on 28 October, heard the news of Mark Northam’s resignation, announced to the Executive in recent weeks, with much emotion.

Mark (pictured left) received two standing ovations in the course of the meeting, reflecting the enormous support and affection that members have for him.

Carol Matthews (pictured centre), currently Deputy Secretary, was elected by Council to fill the vacant Secretary spot and David Towson, currently an Assistant Secretary, was elected as Deputy Secretary. Council was able to fill these positions, as given the proportion of the term remaining, a full election by members was not required. Carol and David will join Lyn Caton to form the new leadership team – Lyn was recently elected as Assistant Secretary. The remaining Assistant Secretary position will be filled at March Council.

The meeting was sad to hear that long term Executive member Bernadette Baker (pictured right), Systemic Vice-President, is resigning from Executive. Bernadette has been on the Executive for 30 years and has represented members with enthusiasm, expertise and integrity. Executive and her South Coast comrades will miss her.