Professional Engagement

Accreditation to be streamlined

A significant development in the accreditation process is due to come into effect, and it will help restore professional autonomy for teachers.

While it will have far reaching benefits for all teachers, it will be of particular significance to pre-2004 teachers who are about to finalise their maintenance period.

From 10 November, teachers in NSW finalise their maintenance of accreditation directly from NESA, without having to also go through their employer or principal.

Keep in mind

Pre-2004 teachers were able to submit from mid-2022 and were given a 12 month extension until 31 December 2023. These teachers can choose to submit any time between now and the end of the year. Once you submit your maintenance of accreditation, this will act as a one-time reset of your maintenance accreditation due date.

Check your eTAMS

All teachers whose maintenance is due after 10 November are encouraged to log into their eTAMS account and ensure they have received the “green tick” indicating they have met the professional development requirements.

This will mean you should have undertaken at least 50 hours of accredited PD. The remaining 50 hours no longer need to be logged on eTAMS and can be recorded on your elective PD log, which you should maintain for the five year period.

Once you have the green tick and are within three months of your maintenance due date, you then need to:

  • ensure you have an elective PD log that completes your PD hour requirements (if required)
  • confirm your employment details
  • self-attest that you continue to meetthe standards.
  • you will then automatically roll into a new five-year maintenance cycle (seven years for casual or part-time teachers), and
  • contact your organiser if you have any questions.

Hot new read

The new Reps Handbook contains valuable information which will assist reps in supporting members and building chapter capacity. It was developed and launched late last term and is worth a read.

If you do not have a rep in your school, you should consider discussing this with your organiser. You can take a look at the handbook and see if this important role might interest you.

The IEU runs dedicated training sessions for reps. Reps ensure there’s a strong IEU presence in the workplace. They are vital to building union capacity to negotiate successful salary and conditions outcomes

Link to Rep’s Handbook: