Welcome Refugees rally

The IEU joined hundreds of other organisations and individuals across Australia calling for a new, just and humane approach to asylum seekers and refugees.

A good number of IEU members, staff, families and friends joined around 3000 people to hear speakers and march from Belmore Park to Victoria Park in Sydney at the Welcome Refugees rally and march on Sunday, 19 April.

The rally was endorsed by the IEU along with other unions, religious orders, church groups, ethnic councils, social justice groups and organisations such as Chilout.

An IEU contingent gathered to show their support for welcoming asylum seekers coming to Australia, and to protest against the Federal Government’s treatment of asylum seekers, including placing men, women and children who are legitimate refugees in indefinite detention. The IEU joined other unions to march behind the Unions for Refugees banner.

The good showing from unions and a key speech from ACTU President Ged Kearney was noticeable and should help get better policies at the ACTU and ALP conferences over the next few months.

Speakers at the march included:

Ged Kearney, President ACTU, Dr Sue Wareham, Medical Association for the Prevention of War, Kyol Blakeney, President Sydney Uni Student Representative Council ,Lydia Shelly, Islamophobia Register and Shokufa Tahiri, Hazara refugee. ACTU President Ged Kearney's speech was inspiring and was reported in depth in the SMH of 19 April. Ged asked the crowd to imagine going back to the Tampa time and to imagine if one of our political leaders chose words such as ‘We can help’ or ‘Come be safe’ or ‘Welcome to Australia’ instead of ‘Stop the boats’.

Ged Kearney privately acknowledged the work and assistance of Chris Watt, the IEU’s Federal Secretary, in the ACTU’s Refugee Policy.

Ian Rintoul, from the Refugee Action Coalition, read a message on behalf of asylum seekers on Manus Island. The message thanked those present for giving up their time to attend the rally and for their support with their struggle.

Members are invited to:

1.Sign the Getup petition to close Manus Island and Nauru detention Centres

2.Add the petition to your Facebook page or Twitter account. Links to do this are at the bottom of the petition webpage and are easy to use, and

3.Distribute the link to the petition to your own email list, and encourage others to sign and distribute.

Here’s the link to sign and distribute the petition: https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/refugees/shut-down-manus

Ann-Maree McKewan
IEU Organiser