Independent schools

Pay offer: The devil’s in the detail

The latest bargaining meeting between the IEU and the Association of Independent Schools (AIS) concerning proposed new multi-enterprise agreements (MEAs) for teachers and professional and operational staff employed in NSW and ACT independent schools was held on 7 August.

Pay offer for teachers

At the meeting, the AIS provided a copy of the proposed teacher pay scale from February 2025 and advised further pay rises of 3% per annum would occur in 2026 and 2027.

This pay scale was also distributed to teachers in independent schools on the same day.

The rates in the offer are 6% above the rates applying in NSW government and Catholic systemic schools in October 2023. But we expect these teachers will gain further increases in October this year (anticipated to be 3% to 4%). After this increase, the margin between the proposed AIS rates and NSW government and Catholic systemic schools’ rates will be much smaller, possibly only 2% to 3%.

The proposed AIS rates are also below the current teacher pay rates that apply in NSW Catholic independent schools.

This pay offer is unacceptable.

In the ACT, the scale would include one more step to reflect the classification structure in ACT government schools.

Band 3 experienced teacher

The AIS is proposing that teachers who are classified as Band 3 but did not go through the ISTAA process because they were ‘deemed’ Band 3 would be treated less favourably than those who were accredited by ISTAA.

Many deemed teachers were employed prior to the start of the Standards Model pay structure in 2006. Other teachers were deemed Band 3 because if they had been classified as Band 2, they would have suffered a pay reduction on moving from a government or Catholic school. It is unreasonable to penalise these teachers now by denying them access to the proposed Accomplished Teacher allowance of approximately $5000.

Movement to the new scale

The AIS advised the IEU about its draft proposal for teachers to move to the new scale.

Under this draft, some existing experienced teachers would not move to the new scale based on their qualifications and experience but instead would go to a lower step as a cost-saving measure.

The IEU expressed strong opposition to this proposal as it would mean those teachers would continue to be paid less than the NSW government school rates and would not receive the rates suggested by the table above.

The AIS has not put this proposal formally and has stated it is prepared to review it based on IEU feedback. We will provide more information to members when the AIS confirms its position.


The AIS is proposing to increase existing promotions allowances by 3%. It is not clear whether, in the future, Coordinators and Deputies would be eligible to receive both their Coordinator/Deputy allowance and the new Accomplished Teacher allowance (remembering that only teachers who have gone through the ISTAA process would get this Accomplished Teacher allowance).

There are some changes proposed to definitions of promotions positions and other provisions that may affect teachers in promotions positions in Hybrid Model schools.


The IEU is still discussing our claim for improved conditions with the AIS. The AIS has not withdrawn its proposal to remove 15 days personal/carer’s leave on commencement at a new school and regulation of work required during school holidays.

Professional and operational staff

The union has not received a pay offer for this group. The AIS informed the IEU that a pay offer may be provided by the next meeting on 23 August.

School meetings

Pay and working conditions define the quality of your working life. It is crucial for members to engage with this process for the new MEAs. Your IEU organiser is happy to meet with members at your school to unpack and explain the negotiations so far.

Please also discuss these issues with colleagues in your school who may not yet be IEU members and encourage them to join. The more members we have, the stronger our bargaining power.