Catholic systemic staff: Negotiations starting

Well, haven’t the last 12 months just flown by? The NSW and ACT Catholic Systemic Schools Enterprise Agreement (EA) 2023 expired on 9 October.

Once again we begin the process of negotiating for a better pay deal and, most importantly, for our working conditions. There’s our favourite word: workload.

I am proud to say that members and officers of the union have been working hard to develop the claim for the new EA, as well as new Work Practices Agreements (WPAs).

One of the biggest differences this time around has been the involvement of IEU Council delegates. There have been three Council meetings with more than 100 member delegates at each, and these meetings have included workshops to brainstorm, discuss and refine specific issues affecting all sectors and members.

A big focus was using existing WPAs from various Catholic dioceses as the starting point for discussions.

Delegates identified gaps and weak language so we can move towards strengthening the power of these documents.

The work done at Council has flowed into sub branch and chapter meetings, and vice versa. Members were asked for their insights to ensure we collected as much information as possible on what we most need to fight for. The union also invited all Catholic systemic members to complete a survey.

I am optimistic and energised by this approach and excited to see how negotiations progress over coming weeks and months (but hopefully not years as we experienced last time).

I urge you to stay connected with the IEU through our email updates, our social media and our publications so you can keep up to date. Start conversations in your lunchrooms and share the word about the new round of negotiations.

If you’re a chapter rep or committee member, keep your union noticeboard current with the latest news, and email your members.

As Vice President Catholic Systemic on your union’s Executive, I look forward to updating you on how the process is going.