Wentworth Courier: IEU members feature in local paper

Two proud IEU members were interviewed for the Wentworth Courier cover story of 16 October, ‘Big things grow’.

Preschool teacher Jacqueline Whiley, of Dover Heights Community Preschool (pictured on the Wentworth Courier cover, bottom right), and director Felicity Barclay, of Gordon Community Preschool, explained why they’re part of the IEU’s Unite for Change campaign, calling for pay rises for staff in community-based preschools.

“There will be a cost benefit to society if we put more money into early learning,” said Felicity. “We will see the benefit across a number of sectors – health, social welfare, justice.

“Over the years we have become increasingly aware that the early years are formative years in terms of children’s brain development and an important time as they transition from preschool to school.

“What hasn’t kept up is an understanding from the community and government that there’s a group of qualified and experienced teachers who are facilitating and supporting that learning.”

Jacqueline notes the difficulties her preschool is having with recruitment. “It’s really difficult – obviously, it’s the pay,” she said.

“At the moment we have three staff who are studying for their degree and the chances are that when they graduate, they will go work in schools where they can earn tens of thousands of dollars more, even though I’m sure they would prefer to stay in early childhood. That sort of money is a lot for people when they are paying rent and mortgages. It makes a big difference in their lives.”

IEUA NSW/ACT Branch Secretary Carol Matthews said: “We have called on the NSW government to look at why teachers and educators in preschools are getting paid less than their colleagues in other states and but also teachers in schools, and what they can do to help fix the problem.”

Preschool teachers guide children in their vital early years, setting them up for success at school and lifelong learning. It’s time to pay them what they’re worth.