May Day 2023 Proud to be Union!

From Newcastle to Sydney and down to Port Kembla, IEU members attended May Day rallies to show their solidarity, strength, and commitment to the union movement!

In Newcastle, Kerrie (IEU member), Sarah (member of IEU Executive), Carlo and Therese (IEU Organisers) were proud to fly the IEU flag under a brilliant blue sky.

The following day, an IEU contingent joined thousands of other workers from many sectors and unions in Belmore Park. The ensuing march saw the streets of Sydney turn into a wall of workers as cars honked their horns in solidarity. The march ended in Hyde Park where union members gathered to hear speeches from union leaders and workers about the ongoing fight for secure, well-paid jobs, fairness and equality.

See the feature on the Port Kembla May Day rally