Every year the IEU invites schools, colleges and early childhood centres to apply for a number of grants to develop sustainability initiatives.
The 2022-23 Environment Grants, sponsored by Teachers Mutual Bank and the union, have been announced, and include a variety of innovative and exciting projects.
Early childhood sector
Hamilton Child Care Centre, Hamilton: Seed to Table Kitchen Garden
This project aims to upgrade the centre’s existing garden space, transforming the garden environment into a more usable teaching area through the introduction of outdoor workspaces, reducing water use, and improving supply of fresh food for our onsite kitchen.
Thurgoona Preschool, Thurgoona: Aboriginal Connections/Bush Tucker Education
This project creates a a space for Aboriginal connections that can occur within the natural environment at Thurgoona Preschool. It educates children, families and educators on the benefits and values of the bush tucker garden and how it can be used to connect to the land within the preschool.
Primary Sector
The Nature Primary School, Port Macquarie: Girrga’s Garden
Girrga is Gathang for native bee. Staff and students aim to create a space where native plant species endemic to Port Macquarie can provide a habitat and a food source. The biodiverse garden also benefits the school and community as it provides an opportunity to learn about conservation through observation, hands-on activities and to apply mathematical and scientific skills.
St Peter’s Primary School, Port Macquarie: Frog Bog
The world is losing frogs at a rapid rate. This project encourages frogs back to the school environment by creating a welcoming habitat which will include a water source, plants and places to hide.
Sacred Heart Primary, Tocumwal: Birds in School
Students learn about local birds, their habitats and diets. They conduct local bird surveys and develop a student-led action plan to become a more sustainable and bird-friendly school.
St Columba Anglican School, Port Macquarie: Koala Food Tree Corridor
Five Year 6 Sustainability Team environmental warriors proposed increasing the koala habitat in the school grounds by planting trees.
Carinya Christian School, Gunnedah: Cultural Learning Space for Endangered Species
This project encourages endangered birds and the Pale Imperial Hairstreak butterfly to the school’s Cultural Learning Space through plant and pond choices.
Secondary Sector
Penola Catholic College, Emu Plains: Riverbank Re-vegetation
To re-vegetate the banks of the Nepean River after the recent devastating floods that closed the college for several days and damaged fragile ecosystems.
The Living School, Lismore: Grow Domes
This project will foster authentic connection, respect and custodianship for biodiversity while regenerating subtropical rainforest plant species, which will be grown to develop a sub-tropical rainforest garden in the heart of the school.