
Know your worth

COVID continues to put pressure on a workforce that is already stretched to its limits.

Currently, early childhood teachers are in a unique position where there are more job vacancies than there are teachers to fill them. Know your worth and understand what it is that you want in a job and look for something that aligns with your values.

IEU organisers receive weekly calls from teachers who are thinking of changing jobs. They question the poor pay and conditions in their current positions.

A bad situation can help you to understand what’s important in your work. Know your rights as an employee and don’t be afraid to ask for your entitlements, the union is here to support you.

If you are not happy with your current pay and conditions, it helps to know that not all employers are equal. Some services only pay their teachers the bare minimum on the modern award, while others have enterprise agreements and pay their staff closer to teachers in primary schools.

But it’s not just pay rates that make a good employer, working conditions such as paid lunch breaks, non-contact time and extra holidays make for happier workplaces.

The IEU can help you understand pay and conditions at different services if you are considering changing employment.

Ensure your resume is current and include your skills, experience, and professional education. This is something the IEU can also assist teachers with.

Revisit your personal philosophy of teaching, your ‘why’. This will help to reignite a passion for the sector that may have been lost over the last two years.

Update your LinkedIn profile so potential employers can see you are actively looking.

It takes a lot of courage to change jobs and it might not be the right time, but whether you stay or go, remember, as an early childhood teacher, you possess unique skills and knowledge that deserve to be recognised and rewarded.

Save the date: Early Childhood Conference

After a two-year hiatus the IEUA NSW/ACT Branch Early Childhood Conference is back.

We are looking forward to reconnecting with our members in person and we know that you are looking to do the same with your colleagues.

For this year’s conference, the workshops have been specifically designed to enable collaboration and connection with others.

Further details about speakers and workshops will come. Keep an eye out in IEU publications and on social media for more details.

The conference is open to everyone, higher fees apply to non-members.

Save the date: Saturday 13 August, at the Aerial UTS Centre, Jones Street, Ultimo, Sydney – a five-minute walk from Central Station.

Census results are in

Results from the 2018–2021 Australian Early Development Census have shed light on the impacts of COVID-19 on the developmental status of children in their first year of school.

The Census, conducted every three years, measures children’s development across five key domains:

  • physical health and wellbeing
  • social competence
  • emotional maturity
  • language and cognitive skills, and
  • communication skills and general knowledge.
  • Data is aggregated to reflect the overall population rather than individual measures for each child.

    Key findings from the 2021 AEDC show that most children were identified as developmentally on track for each of the five key domains, consistent with the five previous AEDC Census results.

    However, the percentage of children considered on track across all domains fell for the first time since 2009 from 55.4% to 54.8%.

    Social competence was the only domain where the level of vulnerability decreased (from 9.8 percent in 2018 to 9.6 percent in 2021).

    The percentage of children on track for this domain improved slightly from 75.8 percent in 2018 to 75.9 percent in 2021.

    There was an increase in developmental vulnerability for children living in regional and remote areas, with fewer children on track in language and cognitive skills.

    Read the full report online at www.aedc.gov.au/resources/detail/2021-aedc-national-report

    Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! – NAIDOC Week 2022

    NAIDOC Week 2022 will be held from Sunday 3 to Sunday 10 July, with its theme to acknowledge First Nations Peoples’ proud history of getting up, standing up and showing up.

    As unionists, we all must continue to Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! for systemic change. NAIDOC Week is also the time to celebrate the many who have driven and led change in First Nations communities over generations – they have been the heroes and champions of change, of equal rights and human rights.

    IEU members are encouraged to mark NAIDOC Week in their workplaces to celebrate the rich history, diverse cultures and achievements of First Nations People as the oldest continuing cultures on the planet.

    Take action by:

    • signing the digital Uluru Statement canvas
    • writing to your local federal MP urging them to support the Uluru Statement and hold a referendum for a First Nations Voice to Parliament protected by the Constitution, and
    • downloading the Uluru Statement Supporter kit.
    Learning resources and teaching guides are available for use on the official NAIDOC website (www.naidoc.org.au)