A potential strike has been in the air for weeks in New York City’s preschools and the issue is equal pay. Michelle Paige, the associate executive director of University Settlement’s early childhood education division, wrote in a letter to parents on Friday. “Despite University Settlement’s advocacy efforts, the early childhood employees are still fighting for salaries that support their professional dedication to the education and care of our children.”
Universal pre-kindergarten is one of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s signature programs, and it has extra significance now, amidst reports that the mayor is seriously considering a run for president.
Teachers employed by community run preschools and day cares say they’re getting paid less than their peers in public schools, even though they’re part of the same pre-k program. According to one spokesperson, teachers at community run programs in New York make $15,000 to $30,000 less than comparably trained educators in public schools. (Source: Intelligencer)