Executive Editors
Deb James
John Quessy
Terry Burke
Managing Editor
Bronwyn Ridgway
Editorial Committee
Cathy Hickey
Bronwyn Ridgway
Gloria Taylor
Sara El Sayed
Sue Osborne
Sara El Sayed
Bronwyn Ridgway
Sue Osborne
Chris Ruddle
About us
IE is a tri-annual journal published by the NSW/ACT, VicTas and Qld/NT Independent Education Unions for members and subscribers. It has a circulation of more than 65,000. IE’s contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the IEU or the editors nor imply endorsement by them.
NSW: ieu@ieu.asn.au
VIC/TAS: info@ieuvictas.org.au
QLD/NT: enquiries@qieu.asn.au
IE online
Contributions and letters from members are welcome. Printing does not reflect endorsement and contributions may be edited at the editor’s discretion.
Email iemagazine@ieu.asn.au
Advertising is carried in IE in order to minimise costs. Advertising does not in any way reflect endorsement of the products or services.
Chris Ruddle (02) 8202 8900
IE is available free to members of the IEU, or by subscription, contact Kayla Ordanoska: (02) 8202 8900
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