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Teacher risks her job by banning NAPLAN equivalent tests in UK

Simon: We have Catholic schools offices who are now ranking schools against each other using NAPLAN raw data; consultants who insist blindly on the validity of NAPLAN and at the same time try and use the term ‘best practice’ in the same breath. Principals (and let’s all agree that the climate and culture of the school mostly lands with the leadership) are so eager to capitulate.

When did we, the noble profession, stand for justice collectively? We can’t even agree to take a stand on NAPLAN let alone make a statement based on core gospel values of justice and mercy.

Government principals have shown Proserpina dissent by voicing their very valid views. Government schools at least have stood and worn T-shirts to protest against illegal detention of those in most need. I’d love to see a stand against, well, anything at this stage.

‘We fixed it’: Christopher Pyne blasts Catholic schools over ‘dishonest’ claims

James: Maybe it’s time independent schools do more with less. One school I know bought every teacher a surface 4 pro. A $2000 tablet for every teacher at cost of over 80k! That could almost fund another teacher entirely to reduce class sizes. A little more oversight wouldn’t hurt.

Top 10 ways to demotivate teachers

Ange: Staff wellbeing is a major issue that many schools don’t address.

Secret Teacher: My headteacher has handed control to the students.

Nat: I would say that sadly this is already the case in many schools. Students and parents control the agenda while teachers are powerless! Time to take back control.

Home educated students miss out on disability support services

Robin: So important for parents to do a great deal of research to find the right school for their child.

The IEU hosted its annual Women in Education forum and dinner at the Multipurpose Centre, Fort Scratchley in Newcastle.

Amy: Great night! Thank you!

Debra: Looks like a great night, sisters.

Kerrie: Already looking forward to 2019, great night well done IEU.