Voting soon to begin

Voting in the proposed enterprise agreement (EA) opens at 7m on Monday 27 July and will conclude at 5pm on Sunday 2 August. The Fair Work Act makes employers responsible for the ballot and provides the following information:

Information about the vote

The Australian Election Company has been appointed to conduct the voting process on behalf of the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations.

The Returning Officer will be Mr Richard Kidd and he can be contacted at

The Australian Election Company has conducted many enterprise, certified and collective agreement employee ballots on behalf of government departments, agencies and private sector organisations.

Voting will take place using a combined internet and telephone voting service.

The voting period starts 7am Monday 27 July and closes 5pm Sunday 2 August 2015.

Prior to the ballot opening, you will receive a set of voting instructions, advising you how to vote using the internet and telephone. These instructions will be sent by email to the ‘work’ email address of all ‘at work’ employees, and will be physically mailed to those employees on leave or without a listed email address.

If you have not received the voting instructions by the time the ballot opens, contact the Australian Election Company Helpdesk on 1800 224 420.

The Union is confident that the EA retains important conditions and provides new benefits for members. We strongly advocate a YES vote for the EA.

Union organisers will continue to visit school Chapters prior to and during the voting process to discuss and explain the features of the EA. If you have yet to have a meeting, please contact your organiser.

Comprehensive information for members is also available on the IEU website; click on Red Catholic EA Button and follow the links.

By now members should have received pays and back pays depending on the payment cycle of various categories of employees. Although modest, the Union welcomes these increases that advance salaries and hail the end of a long period of disputation.

We request that you convey this information to Chapter members. We also ask you to remind non-members of the benefits of the EA and encourage them to join the Union.

The Union thanks you again for your resolve during this dispute and congratulates you on the achievement of the proposed EA.