Hard work pays off

The hard work and determination of members over the past 18 months or even longer will pay dividends in the future.

Since we started the journey to update the expired enterprise agreement, there has been significant effort to ensure that teachers’ working conditions are strengthened and improved.

Over this time, employers have struggled to come to the table to address our claim. Only after we took the claim to the Fair Work Commission was progress made possible.

Broken Bay had already made positive moves to support their staff.

Finally, the 10 dioceses agreed to be signatories to allow systemic employees to see salary increases, improved parental leave, and importantly substantial improvements for support staff.

The progress on this claim has only been successful because of you, the members. Your consistent actions, your ability to continue to stand strong, take industrial action multiple times and wear the yellow shirt is part of a collective that is morally and industrially strong.

As a union, you – the members – are behind the IEU’s successes in this campaign. Therefore, your colleagues are an important part of our success. Belonging to the collective makes us all stronger. Together we can achieve great things. Set yourself a challenge: 100 per cent membership in your chapter.