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Why do students pick teacher A or teacher B? Who would you pick?

What if we asked our students about the type of work they would prefer to do while in class? It may reveal a lot about what choices they would make for assignments and activities and why they make these choices.

Article by Alan November, 11 March 2015

Preparing for parents: How Australian teacher education is addressing the question of parent-school engagement

Parent-school engagement is widely embraced as a policy and educational ideal, yet to date there are few studies of how teacher education prepares students for this important aspect of their professional lives. In this paper, we consider findings from a recent Australian study that explored how the issue of parent-school relations is currently addressed in Australian initial teacher education programmes. The study is situated within the broader policy context of teaching standards. Our findings challenge suggestions that parent-school engagement is largely absent from pre-service program, and although the study recognises gaps and discontinuities, it also identifies four key domains in which initial teacher education currently prepares students for parent engagement. We argue that students are being prepared for parent-school engagement in a variety of ways, but that there is insufficient continuity to ensure that all beginning teachers have a thorough understanding of how to work effectively with parents.

Sue Saltmarsh, Jenny Barr and Amy Chapman

Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Vol 31, Issue 1 22 April 2014

Defining a coordinated approach to gifted education

Many teachers, schools, and education systems are committed to providing high-quality services for students identified as gifted, and it is not difficult to locate examples of engaging, challenging classes and programs designed for this group. However, strong alignment between a philosophy and definition of giftedness, identification practices, program models and evaluation practices are not always evident, and this can result in fragmented services with unclear goals. In addition, the potential for gifted education programs, practices and pedagogies to improve standards and outcomes for all students is rarely considered in the design and development of specialised programs. This paper draws from current literature to discuss selected elements of effective program design in gifted education and to define a coordinated approach to gifted education at school and systems levels.

Jane Jarvis and Lesley Henderson

Australasian Journal of Gifted Education

Volume 23 Issue 1 June 2014;py=2014;vol=23;res=IELHSS;issn=1323-9686;iss=1

Clearing the confusion between technology rich and innovative poor: six questions

In a recent webinar, more than 90% of school leaders responded that they were leading an innovative school as a result of the implementation of technology. At the end of the webinar, when polled again, only one leader claimed to be leading an innovative school. The complete reversal was due to a presentation of the questions that you will read about in this article. This list of questions was developed to help educators be clear about the unique added value of a digital learning environment.

Test your own level of innovation. If you answer no to all six questions when evaluating the design of assignments and student work, then chances are that technology is not really being applied in the most innovative ways. The questions we ask to evaluate implementation and define innovation are critical.

Alan November, 12 January 2015

Full free article:

Participation and experiences of students with dyslexia in higher education: a literature review with an Australian focus

People with dyslexia are currently under-represented in higher education throughout the world, though the extent of the shortfall in Australia is not known. Students with dyslexia face particular challenges in higher education due to the heavy reading loads required for most courses. All Australian universities offer services for students with dyslexia through a generic ‘equity’ or ‘disability’ unit. However, it is unclear from the current literature whether these services are appropriate for students with dyslexia, or what proportion of students with dyslexia are accessing such services. This literature review summarises and critiques the Australian and international literature regarding participation and experiences of students with dyslexia in higher education, including representation, strengths, challenges, current support practices and potential strategies to promote more equitable access in the future. It provides a foundation for discussion and action on this important issue among members of the Australian higher education community.

Lois MacCullagh

Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties

Volume 19, Issue 2, 16 June 2014

This selection of abstracts was found at and November Learning There may be a fee to source some of the full papers.