Accreditation: Maintain your Focus

Is your eTAMS information up to date? Will you satisfy the professional development requirements for your current maintenance of accreditation cycle?

IEU member Paul Fitzgerald was shocked to learn nearly 40 hours of professional development he had undertaken since December 2019 was not included in his current maintenance of accreditation period.

“I completed all the PD requirements for my second maintenance period and submitted my application,” said Fitzgerald.

“Unfortunately, this was not confirmed by my TAA for nearly seven months, so NESA presumed the 40 hours I completed in 2020 were part of this second period, not my current, third maintenance period.”

The IEU Professional Engagement team worked with Fitzgerald to convince NESA’s Teaching Standards and Accreditation unit that the hours needed to be adjusted.

“Paul had completed two fifths of his current PD requirements,” IEU Professional Officer Pat Devery said. “Yet his eTAMS account said he was starting from scratch.”

Fitzgerald had paid for the three courses out of his own pocket, so to have them not count towards his current maintenance period was not just inconvenient, it would have been costly.

“This incident highlights the need for members to be actively engaged in their personal maintenance of accreditation process,” said Devery.

“NESA’s policy clearly states it is up to individual teachers to take charge of their accreditation and this is the advice we give out to members.

“Since 2018, all members who were deemed Proficient in 2004 are required to meet the maintenance of accreditation conditions.

“It’s your accreditation, it’s your career, and your union is here to help, but staying on top of the current advice is the best way to ensure things run smoothly,” said Devery.

For more information or support on professional development and accreditation, contact the IEU Professional Engagement team: