You are magnificent

Carolyn Collins
Vice President Support Staff

You may not hear it enough from your work colleagues, parents or students, but the IEU states it unequivocally. The significant contribution school support staff make to quality education is real and important. The personal rewards of making a difference to students’ lives are immense.

To have a thriving school environment and an effective school community, everyone is equal, especially in what they bring to the table. When schools realise that their support staff are a valuable asset in the whole school environment, everyone wins.

Education International validated this recognition when it endorsed International Education Support Staff Day at the 7th Education International World Congress held in Canada last year. Let’s make this day in 2017 memorable, along with our Support Staff Conference on 25 August.

When school support staff are considered an afterthought, or second class citizens, we all lose. Unacceptable working conditions, poor pay, casualisation, and the lack of quality professional development impacts on all.

By now schools should be aware of funding for 2017, so there is no reason why school support staff should be not informed of their hours for 2017. Don’t hesitate to contact the IEU if you have any worries.

I wish you a safe, fun filled break and a Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it.

In case you haven’t heard this lately.

Thank you.

You are more than awesome.