IEU continues to support members affected by the restructure at Catholic Education, Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP), affecting a range of professional, administrative and other system level staff.
The Union is offering its full support to make sure all members affected by the ‘re-alignment’ receive appropriate advice and support about their rights, their correct entitlements and options to achieve the best outcome at this difficult time.
Disappointingly, the employer has refused to commit to progressing an Enterprise Agreement (EA) for Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta system level staff, despite previous assurances the EA discussions would resume after the Deloitte review and its recommendations were finalised.
The Union is continuing its fight for an EA for system level staff and will seek the intervention of the Fair Work Commission to restart negotiations.
Parramatta CEO Rep David Bailey wrote the following report on the matter:
“On Monday, 22 August the Executive Director of the Catholic Education Diocese Parramatta (CEDP) announced a realignment of its business and administrative services within the Catholic Education Office (CEO). The extent and swift enactment of this realignment took staff by surprise and has caused considerable disturbance, sadness and apprehension for staff, including a number of staff being made redundant.
“The Chapter meeting forwarded three motions to the Executive Director, one of which is detailed in full below. The other two motions expressed the hurt and insecurity experienced by staff as a consequence of the unexpected scope of the realignment as they believed it was mainly a review to benchmark job descriptions and salaries. Enterprise bargaining negotiations were ongoing and productive prior to announcement of the review some 12 months ago and given as the reason by CEDP for the negotiations stalling.
“The Chapter also expressed concern about the ongoing delivery of essential functions and instances where two staff are now competing against each other for one position.
“As a result, the Chapter is even more committed to gain an enterprise agreement. Members want the level of protection that an enterprise agreement (EA) can afford regarding realignments and other industrial matters.”
The Chapter moved the following motion:
“This Chapter meeting notes that there is no reference to an EA within the written documents and verbal presentations regarding the CEO realignment. In the absence of an EA, this Chapter meeting calls on the IEU to work with Chapter members to prepare a ‘majority support determination’ petition to lodge with the Fair Work Commission to recommence enterprise agreement bargaining.”
Anyone who is concerned or has any questions should contact their IEU rep or organiser.