Welcome to our Year 2015 exchange teachers from Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Colorado, Chicago and England. You certainly have come from exciting but ‘cold’ places! And what a ‘warm’ welcome you are having to NSW and the ACT!
We look forward to meeting you ‘officially’ at the Welcome Reception on 20 February and at various exchange events held throughout the year.
If there is an exchange teacher in your school, please make yourself known to him or her and help them settle into their new community. As overseas exchange teachers have reciprocal Union membership for the year, members might like to invite them to their next Chapter/Branch meeting.
Returned exchange teachers should also think about supporting the NSW Exchange Teachers League (ETL) now that your year is over. You will receive the next issue of the newsletter shortly; included will be a membership renewal. The ETL are a wonderful group of people who have been on exchange themselves and provide social activities and friendly support to the newly arrived exchangees. The ETL meets on the first Wednesday of every month during term time at the IEU’s offices in Wattle Street Ultimo at 5.30pm. It has lots of great activities planned through the coming year. If you want to become involved, please call Helen Gregory on 8202 8900. Your support would be much appreciated.
It is not too late to apply for an exchange position for 2016. Details on available exchange positions to Canada, the UK, Colorado and international schools will be advertised in the next issue of Newsmonth and also posted on the IEU’s website. There will be some exciting exchange destinations and positions out there. Email helen@ieu.asn.au or phone either 8202 8900 ; 1800 467 943.