What do you think about IE?

The IE editorial committee recently ran a survey of our readership in NSW, the ACT, Victoria and Tasmania. A survey of our Queensland and Northern Territory readers was carried out a year or so ago and another is planned.

More than 1500 of you took the time to answer questions about what sort of stories you like to read and how you like to read them.

The results and responses were very similar across all the states. Not surprisingly most of you (77% in NSW and ACT and 84% in Victoria and Tasmania) wanted to see stories about professional issues in the magazine, with teaching practice and curriculum close behind at 72 and 75% respectively.

PD and accreditation articles were also popular, at 63 and 56%. One of the stand out findings of the survey is that many of you would like to see more stories on support staff issues. Every issues of IE carries a story aimed at support staff, but following the survey the editorial team plans to provide more stories with a broader focus that might appeal to all staff in schools. For instance in this issue with have stories on transitioning disabled students from primary to high school and dealing with mental health issues in the workplace, that apply to a board range of staff.

Another stand out result from the survey is that many readers asked for more industrial information in IE that is details about awards and other union matters.

The IEU produces newspapers in all states (Newsmonth in NSW and the ACT, Viewpont in Victoria and Tasmania and Independent Voice in Queensland and the Northern Territory) which aim to cover industrial and union matters in more detail and in a state context.

Professional journal

It is not possible to cover every state and school system effectively in a national journal. Rather IE aims to be a professional journal. Questions and requests for articles on Union matters should be directed to the respective newspapers, Newsmonth, Viewpoint and Independent Voice.

The survey also asked you how you like to read the magazine. In NSW 45% of you wanted to stick with the traditional print format, and in Victoria and Tasmania 55% preferred print.

Thirty nine per cent wanted it online, and 22% on ipad in NSW and ACT. Some were happy to read on a variety of formats. At the moment NSW and ACT branch offer an online and ipad version, but other states do not. That situation is likely to change in the near future.

Hundreds of people left comments and ideas about what they would like to see in the journal . The comments were as diverse as the profession, relating to everything from hospitality to technical design, languages, STEM, the International Baccalaureate, visual arts, multiculturalism and many others.

The editorial committee endeavours to cover a broad range of topics in every issue, but with only three publications a year it may take a while before you see an article on your chosen topic.

We should acknowledge that 17% of people in NSW and ACT and 13% in Victoria and Tasmania that actually did the survey said they do not read the journal. The IEU is considering an ‘opt out’ version so that people can indicate online if they do not wish to have the journal posted to them.

The team at IE is always keen to hear any feedback from readers at any time, be it comments on stories, letters to the editor, ideas for future articles or article submissions.

The editorial committee plans to continue to survey its membership and extend the coverage to other branches.

Contact ie@ieu.asn.au.

IE Editorial Committee