Lisa James
Dear Lara
The IEU is aware there can be delays in the turnaround time for Working With Children Check (WWCC) applications, depending on the time of year. The IEU advises members to renew their WWCC as soon as they receive notification that it is due to expire in three months.
We recommend you contact the OCG and emphasise you have been forced to take leave (and will soon need to take unpaid leave) due to the delay in processing your WWCC.
The IEU is also aware that diploma and certificate qualified educators can work if they have submitted a WWCC application as the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 states that a person can engage in child-related work if they have a current application for a WWCC. However, the Teacher Accreditation Act is clear that teacher accreditation is automatically suspended unless a teacher has a current WWCC. Once you have a new WWCC number, NESA will lift the suspension of your teacher accreditation and you will be able to resume teaching.
I suggest you approach your employer and ask if they will allow you to perform work at the centre, other than in a teaching capacity. For example, you could perform the role of an office-based centre director or a diploma educator working directly with children while you wait for your application to be processed.