As schools around the globe celebrate World Education Support Staff Day on 16 May, we must draw attention to the injustice arising from lack of pay parity between support staff in government schools and non-government schools, particularly Catholic systemic schools.
Support staff need solidarity with the current campaign – and this can only come with numbers. Without numbers we cannot influence employers, create change and achieve the justice we deserve. If the employers perceive lack of commitment the ranks of school support staff, they’ll negate everything we’re asking for.
I encourage all school support staff to join the union – and the campaign. It’s inequitable when non-members accept the benefits hard won by the few.
It’s disheartening to celebrate such a special day as World Education Support Staff Day with this cloud of injustice hovering over us due to the lack of fair dealing from our employers. Justice is all we want. Surely, that is not too much to expect.
Please do what it takes to support our campaign for pay parity, a commitment to sustainable working hours, and equity in long service leave.
Above all, have a wonderful World Education Support Staff Day. All school support staff deserve it – and more! (See also World Support Staff Day)