Stories of struggle and hope lit up the screen at the Dare To Struggle Film Festival which took place in April. Inspired by the legacy of Jack Mundey, a union and environmental activist who led Sydney’s Green Ban Movement in the 1970s, the festival kicked off with films depicting workers' struggles.
Activism on the big screen
Dare to Struggle Film Festival
Opening the Festival, Patron Judy Mundey congratulated the film makers and spoke about the importance of standing with refugees in detention. General Secretary of the NSW Teachers Federation Maxine Sharkey talked about the importance of film and how it can change lives. “[Film] creates different possibilities, different ways of looking at what’s happening around us. We can use film to build our movement. To tell our stories. The Dare to Struggle Film Festival is a new way to do that.”
Addressing Unfinished Business took out first prize. The film outlines the role of the union movement in supporting the Uluru Statement from the Heart and highlights how author and activist Thomas Mayor reached Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and audiences across the nation. The Film Festival celebrates the stories and struggles of individuals, groups and communities trying to improve the world and create a fairer and more just society.