On 21 June, the Executives of the IEU and the NSW Teachers Federation held a joint meeting for the first time. As the NSW Government handed down its budget locking in a pay cap of just 3%, the meeting resolved unanimously that both unions would take industrial action.
The meeting was followed by a joint press conference outside NSW Parliament House, attended by all major media outlets, with subsequent press conferences in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong on the day before the industrial action on 30 June.
Joint resolution (excerpt): “The Executives of the NSW Teachers Federation and the Independent Education Union of Australia NSW/ACT Branch note the failure of the NSW Premier to respond to the urgent concerns of the profession. This also impacts directly upon the IEU’s negotiations for new enterprise agreements in Catholic systemic schools. We therefore direct all members to strike for 24 hours on Thursday 30 June … This historic joint action is a direct result of the manifest failure of the NSW Government and Catholic employers to address the teaching crisis in our schools.”