Where a natural disaster, emergency, and/or further outbreaks of COVID-19 occurs, our union is with our members every step of the way.
Fundamentally, where members have safety concerns in the event of a natural disaster or emergency, such as severe weather, they should follow the advice of emergency services and advise their workplace accordingly.
In Queensland and Northern Territory where a provision exists in your collective agreement, employees can access paid leave if they are prevented from attending their workplace due to natural disaster or emergency such as fire, flooding, cyclonic disturbance or severe storms.
This leave allows employees to ensure the safety of themselves, their family and their property and applies where employees are unable to travel to and from their home or workplace.
Pandemic leave should be available to Queensland and Northern Territory employees in the event an employee is unable to attend work due to implications of COVID-19.
Stringent health and safety precautions remain paramount for all workplaces and employers need to ensure that adequate protections, including PPE, soap and sanitisers are in place for staff and students.
It is essential your workplace has a COVID-19 response plan in place that is communicated clearly to all staff and families.
History has demonstrated the importance of up-to-date and appropriate natural disaster and emergency provisions in collective agreements and national awards.
Members experiencing issues accessing leave in these circumstances should contact your union branch immediately for advice and support.