Over the last month or so we have heard of the passing of three incredible women.
The world is a lesser place following the deaths of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Helen Reddy and Susan Ryan, who all campaigned with passion in the fight for women’s rights, democracy, equality for all, especially gender equality and universal justice. We have within the IEU, staff who are exceptional in their role of fighting for equality; for without equality there is no justice.
We too can be notable in the fight for equality within our workplaces. Having a strong work culture is paramount. Employees with a strong work ethic are ‘gold’, for they are hard working, dedicated and reliable. Don’t underestimate your role in the workplace.
We are in a position to guide our students into realising their own worth, in particular young girls. We need to call out sexism, harassment and discrimination, regardless if it is said ‘tongue in cheek’ or ‘just mucking around’ or ‘it was just a joke’. Speak up and step up!
Our everyday language plays a huge role in breaking down gender stereotypes. We need to reject the binary of boys and girls and use words such as students, children. This may be considerably difficult for many of us; however there has to be a starting point.
Rightly or wrongly, we have more women than men in our sector. Historically, women have carried the bulk of caring work, either for young children or elderly parents. It is worth noting that the recent budget has dealt women in our sector a blow, for there isn’t a lot to help for women struggling amid the pandemic and negligible assistance with childcare. Our economic recovery depends on women. Speak up and shout out for justice, especially in the workplace.