Support staff of McAuley Catholic Central Tumut photographed with their new principal, IEU member Eamonn Moore. Their beautiful bouquets were fresh from the garden of IEU Rep Wendy Hill.
Union snaps
The union farewelled Professional Officer Amy Cotton (second from left) on 3 July. Amy was the powerhouse behind the IEU’s highly successful professional development program for nine years. She is pictured here with, from left, Assistant Secretary Liam Griffiths; Deputy Secretary Carol Matthews; Secretary Mark Northam; and Assistant Secretary Pam Smith.
Support Staff St Francis Xavier, Florey. Photographed from L-R Katharine O’Connor, Receptionist; Jennifer Madgwick, Principal’s PA and Enrolment Secretary; Debra Slack, VET and Careers Administration Assistant (and Support Staff Rep).
Working within COVID-19 restrictions, the IEU Council met on Saturday 20 June, with some officers in our Ultimo headquarters and more than 100 members of Council on Zoom. President Christine Wilkinson sits at the head of the table with Secretary Mark Northam.