Making the transition
Under the National Employment Standards (NES), employees who have completed 12 months’ continuous service have the right to request flexible working arrangements in certain circumstances.
One circumstance is where an employee is aged 55 years or older.
Transition arrangements vary depending on an employee’s individual needs and circumstances, but can include:
- job sharing
- reduced workload
- working partial days
- non teaching roles
- accessing special leave arrangements in the lead up to retirement, and
- deferring salary or purchasing leave under the collective agreement.
- Options for transitioning may also vary between different collective agreements.
Grant’s transition arrangements were implemented after one-on-one discussions with his principal.
This included four years of part time teaching which Grant concluded at the end of 2018 before beginning his current role.
“Since beginning my transition I have kept in regular contact with my principal to keep the communication open and up to date”, said Grant.
“At each change of my employment conditions we have had an open discussion in good faith with a specific agreement signed by both parties.
Grant said these arrangements have formed a well controlled conclusion to his teaching career and he would like to see availability of transitional retirement arrangements formally included in collective agreements.
“I would like to see transition to retirement separated from other flexible work clauses in the collective agreement as I believe that heading towards retirement is an entirely different form of employment when compared with other flexible work arrangements,” he said.
Three other staff members at Villanova are transitioning to retirement, two by working in their preferred areas (middle school art and vocational pathways) and one in general teaching – all with reduced loads.
Grant said the whole school has benefited and each teacher has gained a renewed sense of professional satisfaction.
“Staff satisfaction raises as stress levels fall, expertise can be harnessed in different and interesting ways and school cultural memory is extended.”
Union can help
As a Union member, the IEUA-QNT helped Grant explore different options available for transitioning to retirement.
“Our IEU officers and other Union members have helped me to clarify issues involved in seeking transition to retirement at my school,” Grant said.
He also said that being an active member of the IEUA-QNT Branch Executive and Equity Committee exposed him to a broader range of views on transitioning to retirement within the education sector views he would not otherwise have had.