Professional experience supervision agreement finalised

Mark Northam
Assistant Secretary

Following lengthy but productive negotiations the following universities in NSW have reached agreement with the IEU regarding pay rates and understandings as to the operation of professional experience (practicum) placements:

Alphacrucis College
Australian Catholic University
Australian College of Physical Education
Avondale College of Higher Education
Charles Sturt University
Excelsia College
Macquarie University
Southern Cross University
University of New England
University of New South Wales
University of Newcastle
University of Notre Dame (Australia), Sydney
University of Sydney
University of Sydney (Conservatorium of Music)
University of Technology Sydney
Western Sydney University
University of Wollongong

The negotiated rates are:
2019 - $31.50 per day
2020 - $33.00 per day
2021 - $34.00 per day

Core principles in the agreement provide clarity of expectations for both universities and teachers:

  • that a high quality PE Program is dependent on the professional commitment and collaborative efforts of both teachers in schools and the initial teacher education provider, and
  • that high quality PE is dependent on the voluntary engagement by teachers in schools.

Member concerns regarding an entire staff being directed to take student teachers has been addressed, as has the reality that developing student teachers is a joint responsibility.

Universities from other states and territories not signatory to the NSW arrangements should be advised that NSW has an agreed rate that must be adhered to should they wish to place student teachers in a school.

Contact your local IEU organiser if you require assistance with interstate universities attempting to undermine NSW conditions.

Arrangements for internships are made clear in the revised agreement. The agreement states “an internship is not a pre or post graduation period of on-the-job training, nor an employer arranged form of concurrent on-the-job training while undertaking an ITE course”.

Payment for mentoring supervising teachers is set at 20% of the current rate in recognition of the greater independence of the teacher education student intern.

Importantly, included in the agreement is a lengthy list of NESA registered professional development linked to the role of mentoring initial teacher education students inclusive of Highly Accomplished and Lead.

A prescriptive spreadsheet of the universities and the plethora of teacher education courses is also provided to enable members to readily determine whether a particular course is an internship or not.