Contribute to the wellbeing of teachers and students

IEU welcomes you back from the holidays and hopes that your year ahead is professionally stimulating and rewarding. The Union strongly recognises the significant contribution made by our members to the education and wellbeing of children and young people.

We will work with you in 2019 to continue to advance the professional status of our members and achieve improvements to pay and conditions.

The Union particularly welcomes new members. By joining the IEU you are enhancing our collective strength as well as ensuring you have access to individual professional and industrial support and representation. In 2018 the Union recovered over $3 million owed to members.

At this stage of the year we remind all members to keep their membership up to date. If you are changing schools, centres or other workplaces, be sure to advise our membership section of your new details. This also applies to those going on extended leave or who have other changes to their payment arrangements.

IEU is a strong recruitment Union and we encourage all IEU reps and members to approach new colleagues and non members about the benefits of joining.

The Union thanks IEU reps for their leadership in workplaces, but we also invite all members to become actively involved in the IEU. Join other members across the union movement by participating in the Change the Rules campaign.

Information about this and other current campaigns can be found at

See for information about IEU conferences and workshops, including online forums.

If you have yet to do so, join our growing number of social media followers:

Contact your IEU organiser for information, advice or to arrange a visit to your workplace.

Gloria Taylor
Deputy Secretary