While HSC markers across NSW are getting to grips with marking, both in corporate marking centres and online, the IEUA NSW/ACT has been busy preparing to negotiate the 2020-2021 Award for HSC Markers.
In particular, the union has been interested in hearing from markers about significant issues that they would like addressed. These issues will be presented to NESA with the aim of resolving them in the new award.
Thus far, we are aware that there are concerns that regional markers are being asked to pay for their accommodation and travel to Sydney based briefing sessions, that the online marking system has had a number of concerns and delays, and that the distribution of schools that itinerant markers cover is not always equitable.
We will raise all of these matters at the first meeting with NESA in late November and during subsequent meetings. In the meantime, if you’d like to get involved, ask a question, or make a comment, we’d love to hear from you. Join the HSC Markers Facebook group or email keith@ieu.asn.au.