Teachers working in the early childhood sector are continuing their fight for equal remuneration with male professionals in other industries.
The IEU lodged an application for Equal Remuneration Orders (EROs) for teachers in early childhood services in 2013. United Voice (UV) and the Australian Education Union (AEU) also lodged a separate application.
Over the last nine months, the case has focused on the submissions of UV and AEU, who sought to simplify the consideration of the comparators for their members in the sector.
Yesterday, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission handed down its views of these submissions and asked all of the unions involved how they wished to proceed with this matter. In response to the latest developments, IEU Secretary, John Quessy said:
“There have been considerable delays in advancing our application for an ERO. The IEU’s early childhood members deserve wage justice – on that basis the Union will write to the Fair Work Commission next week seeking to have our application for an Equal Remuneration Order progressed to a full hearing.
“It’s time to run our case.”