Membership news

A very warm welcome to all our new members. If you have any queries or questions relating to your membership please don't hesitate to contact us:

We remind both continuing and new members to let us know if your circumstances change, as your employer does not advise us.

If your workload changes, you take maternity leave or leave without pay, change workplaces or retire, we need you to tell us. You can contact us via email ( or give us a call (8202 8900, press 1) so we can update your record so your membership does not lapse and or you do not overpay.

Claim your union feesas a tax deduction

The end of the financial year is upon us and union dues are a legitimate tax deduction. Statement of dues are not automatically issued so if you would like a summary please call or email us.

For members who pay via payroll deductions, because your employer makes the transaction, union payments will appear on your income summary available via your MyGov account. Your income summary will provide the most accurate summary.

Payroll deductions are not portable between employers and not all employers offer this service. If you have moved schools or are soon to move, please check with us whether your new employer offers this service. We are happy to contact your new employer where the service is available but will only do so with your permission.

Membership Team 8202 8900 (press 1)