Renewal of your NSW Working With Children Check

A NSW Working With Children Check (WWCC) clearance is valid for five years. You are able to renew your WWCC from three months before it expires.

All persons holding a WWCC clearance and whose contact details are up to date with the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG), will be contacted by the OCG three months before their WWCC number expires, explaining what they need to do to renew their WWCC clearance number for another five years. The OCG does not send a further reminder.

Renew as soon as possible after the OCG notification, so that your WWCC clearance does not expire before your WWCC renewal is processed.

Union members holding a NSW Working With Children Check (WWCC) clearance are reminded to ensure that all contact details are up to date with the OCG. This includes email contact details, which the OCG frequently uses as its method of communication.

To renew your WWCC clearance or to update your details, please access . Members can also call the OCG customer service team on (02) 9286 7219.