Membership news

Why updates are essential

A big welcome back to all renewing members and a big welcome aboard to all our new members.

If you are experiencing issues renewing your membership, or if you have a question about your membership, we are here from 8.30am to 5pm on weekdays – so you can catch us during and outside of school hours. You can call the membership team directly on 8202 8900 – press 1.

We have sent membership updates to IEU representatives wherever we have two or more members in a chapter. These updates are important for ensuring all of our members receive all of their membership benefits, and so we can keep our records accurate.

Membership updates are not only important for retaining members; they also ensure all members retain their democratic right to vote in IEU elections and, should it be necessary, to have their say in protected action ballots. Incorrect data can leave members disenfranchised.

We had an excellent return rate in 2019 and we’d only like to see it increase in 2020. We’ll send reps who assist us in this process an appreciation pack.

Membership fees correlate with your working hours and, for full time teachers, are determined by your gross annual income bracket. Please see our membership classifications below, and for further details visit our website:

If your working hours have changed or your position has been reclassified, you will need to update your details, so please let us know via email:

Membership team