Decision pending

Welcome to the November edition of Bedrock.

This edition comes at a crucial time for early childhood teachers especially in NSW and the ACT, with a decision from the Fair Work Commission expected between December and April on the outcome of the IEUA’s landmark Equal Remuneration Orders (ERO) case (see page 9). This case has been a monumental effort by the IEUA, but well worth it as a favourable outcome would ensure your professionalism is appropriately recognised and valued. It’s a long term commitment to improving salary outcomes. The IEUA sends its appreciation to the many member witnesses who made statements and were cross examined.

This edition also features articles based on presentations from the IEUA NSW/ACT Branch annual early childhood conference held in September, such as leadership expert Sarah Moore’s look at your invisible leadership superpowers on page 6 and exploring how to break free from preconceived toys and introduce play with recycled materials, by Reverse Garbage on page 18.

We also look at new research which once again reinforces the invaluable long term benefits of early childhood education for our nation’s future and asks why early education isn’t being backed by government funding (page 10).

We explore fun ways to introduce science to your young charges, with a great list of resources and experiment ideas on page 20.

Our popular regular features like Giveaways (page 23) and Your questions answered, where you can find out about your rights and conditions (page 22) return. If you have any further questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to let us know. Just email

NSW/ACT Branch members requiring further information regarding the ERO case please contact the Union office. Briefings for groups of members can be arranged.

Mark Northam
Branch Secretary

Terry Burke
Branch Secretary