Give us your feedback on HSC marking

As HSC marking draws to a close the Union is asking members to provide some feedback which will allow us to frame the next round of negotiations, due to commence in early December.

It is pleasing to report some recent Union won successes for markers, including across the board pay rises and improved conditions for rural itinerant markers.

The Union was made aware of some ongoing concerns during this current marking period, especially with regards to unpaid downtime when the onscreen system crashed. Members also raised the thorny issue of equity due to issues surrounding pay per script marking.

Members are encouraged to either contact the IEU and ask to join the HSC Marker Mailing List or join the closed Facebook group (search in Facebook IEU HSC Markers) to participate in the feedback survey.

Members are advised that any feedback needs to be received no later than Friday, 30 November in order for the information to be included in the next round of negotiations.

Any member wishing to contribute to the feedback can do so at the following link:

Pat Devery